The original NICOCYL® base plate as a reliable basis

Our promise
- 100 % recycled REACH compliant pvc from cable industry and recycling
- Decades of service life
- On all subfloors possible without screed !
- Low installation height – high wear layer
- No downtime & quickly laid: Floor panels can be laid during operation
- After 24 hours fully resilient
- Completely removable and recyclable into the cycle
- Easy repairs through easy replacement
Are you looking for an industrial floor that is sustainable and economical?

Protects building structure, people and the environment
Connection types
Depending on the area of application of the new floor, different types of connection are suitable due to their specific properties. We produce in North Rhine-Westphalia and stand behind the quality of our products thanks to many years of experience and reliable employees.

NICO tile
NICO tile ist eine Bodenplatte, die über alle bereits beschriebenen Eigenschaften verfügt. Die NICO tile wird mit ihrer geraden Kante auf Stoß verlegt. Dieser Boden wird immer verklebt und an den Nahtstellen gefräst und thermisch verschweißt.
It is therefore vapor and diffusion tight and also suitable for floors with underfloor heating.
By bonding with the extremely adhesive NICOCYL 2K PU adhesive, it is suitable for the most extreme loads and optimally absorbs even the highest thrust and shear forces, especially in the area of driveways.
The NICO tile is therefore preferably used in mechanical engineering, chemical and packaging industries as well as in pharmaceutical facilities and food processing. It is also suitable for all types of logistics centers, warehouses, workshops, fire departments and aircraft hangars.
The extremely stable plate is shock-absorbing, particularly warm to the feet and therefore offers an alternative to a conventional coating for many decades under dynamic loads.
The installation can even take place while production is ongoing. In addition, the floor is fully resilient after just 24 hours.
The NICOCYL range of course also includes all accessories, step plates, skirting boards, marking strips and the necessary laying materials.

NICO connect
NICO connect has all the features of the NICO tile.
However, it has a patented tongue and groove system for recycled floors, which was developed using state-of-the-art technology at the time. The connection is achieved by an overlapping 9 mm tongue and groove. The tongue and groove variant is the best and most dense installation method.
According to the current status, the NICO connect, glued and thermally welded, can also be used as a liquid-tight industrial floor to achieve Section 19 WHG approval via individual acceptance.
With its tongue and groove connection, the NICO connect can also be laid floating without any further support. This means that it is particularly suitable in the area of floor renovation, e.g. as a covering on already contaminated floors (oil, etc.).

NICO fold
NICO fold has all the features of the NICO tile.
In our product range, the NICO fold is the shiplap variant and the forerunner of the NICO connect. It is still very popular due to its stepped connection, e.g. for simple, floating installation.
Of course, the NICO fold can also be installed glued, depending on the area of use.
The built-in step provides additional protection (tightness plus) in the event of a rare joint defect.

NICO clip plus
NICO clip plus is the patented recycling floor that can only be installed floating. Thanks to their locking system, the floor panels can be easily laid and easily picked up again at any time and used for other purposes. This makes the NICO clip plus ideal for temporary commercial spaces or for private use in houses and garages.
Complex floor renovations are no longer necessary and the surface can be walked on immediately. Residual moisture in the substrate can escape optimally via the Clip-Plus plate.
As a floating floor, the NICO clip plus is not vapor-tight or diffusion-tight. However, if necessary, it could also be welded later.

NICO lock
NICO lock is the floating industrial floor with 44 teeth. The NICO lock thus ensures an extremely stable connection in the surface. The base plate can be laid very easily, without any additional tools, just using a rubber mallet. A jigsaw is sufficient to create the right wall connection.
Like the NICO clip plus, the NICO lock can easily be picked up again at any time and used for other purposes. This makes the NICO lock ideal for commercial areas to be designed or for private use in houses and garages.

NICO double fold
NICO double fold is a liquid-tight industrial floor that is suitable for quick installation in heavy-duty areas. This floor is only available in the 20mm version. The NICO double fold has a double fold connection that interlocks vertically.
The combination of thickness and connection of the base plate can withstand even the highest loads and shear forces in heavy-duty traffic.
The NICO double fold can also be installed floating in industrial areas with the highest demands. Thermal welding is only recommended if there is absolute security against moisture penetration.
Numerous users in a wide variety of application areas and industries particularly appreciate the ergonomic advantages and properties of this 20mm version, which can even be used in conjunction with underfloor heating.
The NICO double fold offers maximum safety and comfort and is fully resilient as a floor covering immediately after installation.

NICO edge
NICO edge – our stepping stones.
The step plates also have all the properties of the NICO tile.
These entrances (ramps) for door and gate areas, which are necessary for many areas, are available in our standard thicknesses of 10 mm and 20 mm.
All surfaces and colors are also available in coordination with the respective floor panels.
In the 10mm version (area 500 x 500 mm) the ramps rise from 2 mm to 10 mm over a length of 1.50 m.
In the 20 mm version, the ramp has a continuous gradient of 2 to 20 mm.
Panel surfaces
There are different structures to choose from depending on your wishes




Overview of NICOCYL® floor tiles

In welchen Farbvarianten gibt es die NICOCYL® Bodenplatte ?
Wir stehen hinter unserer Aussage “100% rPVC” und bieten daher grundsätzlich nur Farbvarianten, welche wir ohne Hinzufügen neuen Kunststoffs garantieren können. Der Grund dafür ist das gemischte Rohmaterial, welches durchaus viele verschiedene Farben beinhalten kann. Damit wurden den Farbvarianten in Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit bewußt Grenzen gesetzt.
Die NICOCYL® Bodenplatte ist in schwarz, anthrazit, grau und hellgrau standardmäßig verfügbar. Farben wie dunkelrot, dunkelblau oder dunkelgrün können ebenfalls angefragt werden.
Welche Anschlussart eignet sich für mein gewünschtes Einsatzgebiet?
Sie finden sämtliche Informationen zu Anschlussarten unter der Kategorie Products und können verschiedenste Anwendungsbeispiele unter Areas of application finden. Haben Sie ein Bauprojekt mit speziellen Vorgaben? Kontaktiere Sie uns gern für weitere Details. Send inquiry now.
rPVC – was bedeutet das? Und was bedeutet cradle-to-cradle?
Recyceltes Polyvinylchlorid – kurz rPVC – ist Kunststoff, dem ein zweites Leben geschenkt wird. Ganz im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft, cradle-to-cradle, verschwenden wir keine neuen Ressourcen, sondern nutzen Granulat aus dem Kabelrecycling- und der Kabelindustrie. More information on sustainability
Wer steckt hinter NICOCYL® Bodenplatten?
Find more about us, our mission and value in the category Company